
Why does a blog need linking or how not to forget about readers

2023-04-29 00:15 Education About blogging Technologies and tools

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I went into the statistics of my blog and was surprised.

Average number of pages per visitor: 2

That is, people come to the blog, read the article and leave. Well, or they'll go to another page. At first I decided that I was not interested in writing. Then I turned on an Internet marketer and analyst and realized that I didn't give readers a chance to switch to another article in one click. So they don't cross over.

I had to link pages to increase behavioral indicators and increase the number of pages viewed. In a good way, you need to do this at the time of creating a blog, so do not repeat my mistakes if you decide.

Linking pages on a website is

The process of creating links between different pages on your site. For example, on the main page you can place links to various articles, categories or product pages for the convenience of visitors and better organization of content on the site.

The purpose of linking

Make site navigation more convenient and understandable for users, as well as distribute internal traffic on the site, increasing the number of views of important pages and reducing bounce rates.

High-quality linking can significantly improve the behavioral indicators of your site, such as the time a visitor spent on the site, the number of page views, bounce rate, etc. This can positively affect the ranking of the site in search engines and lead to an increase in traffic and conversions.

What exactly did I do

1) I added links to the next and previous articles under each article:
2) Added links in articles and sections to switch to another language of the same page:
3) Added a noticeable transition on category pages to other sections of the blog:
It has become more convenient for me on the site, and I hope you too. Statistically, I will summarize the results in a month.

If you see shoals on my site — write in the comments. I am always glad for constructive criticism.