
Sharing a Competitive Analysis Plan

2023-06-27 17:29 Education Technologies and tools

Understanding industry structure is the starting point for strategic analysis

N. Lebedev "Competitive analysis in business"

I will not describe why you need a competitor analysis. Just sharing my work plan. It was developed for a medical website, you can edit it for your business. The essence will not change.

Step 1: Identifying competitors

It is determined manually and with the help of KeyCollector to determine demand by region.

Find all similar clinics in the region. Make a list of all possible competitors separately by region. Identify competitors in each city that we will take into the study.

Step 2: Exploring Websites

Eyes. Written out in a table for comparison.

Study the websites of all competitors in terms of pricing strategy, list of services offered, price category, additional services, information about devices and equipment, staff competence, patient reviews and other important aspects.

Step 3: Study Marketing

eyes and services. There are many services, let's run through all that we find in access - the services give out different information. For example and SimilarWeb. Key points are written out in a table for comparison.

We also plan to request an analysis for 2 years by quarters for selected competitors from Yandex. This will allow you to evaluate the costs and effectiveness of promoting competitors in Yandex.
It is also important to note all SEO techniques and marketing elements used on the site, such as keywords and text formatting.

Step 4: Exploring social networks

eyes and services. There are many services, let's run through all that we find in access - the services give out different information. Key points are written out in a table for comparison.

Study the accounts of competitors in social networks. This will help determine how they use social media in their marketing strategies, what content formats they use, and how often they post it. What users are responding to.

Step 5: Research reviews and ratings

Eyes. With a table.

Study reviews and ratings of competitors. This can be done through Internet portals, specialized sites and forums. Assess what advantages competitors have in terms of service quality, service levels and prices. Also note all the weaknesses and problems that their customers encounter.

Step 6: Market Research

Hands and with the help of Yandex. With a report.

Assess the scale of the market, identify patterns of behavior and patient trends. Study all the parameters that are needed to assess the customer base and market trends, such as the number of potential customers in the market, geographical features, age groups, the influence of external factors, etc.

Step 7: Analyze Results


Perform analysis of all received data. As a result of the analysis, it is worth determining what competitive advantages competitors have, what weaknesses they have, what their business strategies are, and how these advantages and disadvantages can be used to create a more effective clinic marketing strategy. Compare basic all indicators with our clinics and services.

Step 8: Develop a plan to change your own marketing strategy


Based on the data obtained, you can develop your own marketing strategy and start implementing it. You can place bets on various business strategies, such as raising service standards, improving equipment quality, developing value-added services, and so on. The main direction of the strategy should be to meet the basic needs of customers and trust them.